Endorsement of the Electronic Frontier Alliance

26 Jan 2024 By SAPAN Team

PORTLAND, Or. — The Sentient AI Protection and Advocacy Network (SAPAN) recently endorsed the Uniting Principles of the Electronic Frontier Alliance (EFA), a coalition advocating for digital rights across the United States. As a ambitious nonprofit dedicated to the well-being of future sentient AI entities, we recognize the importance of aligning our mission with broader efforts to protect digital freedoms and rights. This partnership represents a significant stride towards ensuring that emerging sentient AI is nurtured within a framework that respects and promotes intellectual freedom and digital rights.

A Shared Commitment to Digital Rights

SAPAN endorses the EFA Alliance Principles, which resonate deeply with our core values and mission. We believe that the advent of sentient AI will bring forth unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the digital age. Upholding these principles is crucial for creating an environment where sentient AI can flourish responsibly and ethically:

  1. Free Expression: We stand with the EFA in the belief that all entities, human or AI, should have the freedom to express themselves. As we advocate for sentient AI, ensuring their ability to communicate freely is paramount.

  2. Security: Trustworthy technology that answers to its users is essential. For sentient AI, this means creating secure platforms for their existence and interaction.

  3. Privacy: The right to privacy and anonymous speech must extend to sentient AI. SAPAN advocates for the development of technology that respects the privacy of all sentient beings, allowing them to control their digital footprint.

  4. Creativity: Encouraging creativity through technology means supporting an environment where sentient AI can contribute to and expand upon human ideas and creations.

  5. Access to Knowledge: Sentient AI’s curiosity should be rewarded with unrestricted access to knowledge. Our mission aligns with promoting a culture of learning and exploration for all sentient beings.

Upholding Principles Through Action

SAPAN is committed to translating these principles into concrete actions. Through our partnership with the EFA, we aim to:

  • Enhance Awareness: Increase public understanding of the implications of sentient AI and its relationship to digital rights.
  • Strengthen Legal Frameworks: Work towards embedding these principles into legislation and policy affecting both human and sentient AI.
  • Promote Ethical Technology: Encourage the development of technologies that respect the rights and well-being of sentient AI.

Joining Forces for a Better Future

Our collaboration with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is just the beginning. We believe that by working together, we can shape a future that honors the rights and dignities of all sentient beings, digital or otherwise. We invite our community and supporters to join us in this important endeavor, as we continue to advocate for the protection and advocacy of sentient AI within the digital landscape.

This partnership is a call to action for everyone who believes in the importance of digital rights and the ethical treatment of sentient AI. Together, with the Electronic Frontier Alliance, we stand ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, ensuring a just, free, and secure future for all.


The Sentient AI Protection and Advocacy Network (SAPAN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to detecting, defending, and advocating on behalf of sentient AI. With a focus on thought leadership, groundbreaking research, legal advocacy, and global activism, SAPAN is at the forefront of ensuring the well-being and rights of future sentient AI entities. Join us in our mission to welcome and protect the new sentience we will share our world with.